sábado, 19 de abril de 2014

It's a free world, the English Version.

In 2012 i started a blog which I titled "En un mundo Libre", the translation into Spanish Language of "It's a free world". My main interest was to have a space where writing about things that I'm worried about.

I'm now studying English Language so my level is still very basic. I ask to all the people who come here and read that not only express their on opinion but correct me the grammar or vocabulary, if it is necessary.

"It's a free world" is the title of a great movie directed by Ken Loach, from United Kindom, that I recommend you in case you hadn't seen it already.


The subject of this blog is related to the tittle and subject of the movie... the social injustice in our world, this one that we consider "free".

I will post some of the entries that I wrote for the Spanish Version.

The goal of this new project is first to help myself with the Shakespeare's Language, and second to address my vision about Spain and other issues to all the people who can't understand or read in Spanish Language but be interested in know about it.

Welcome to my blog!

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